Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My most valuable thing........

The most valuable things for me is my Family and loved one their are my strength and they are the one who keeps me alive in this world all that I do ,I dedicate it to my Family and loved one Im proud to them in my life i treausre them and I love them.

I thank God that he gave such blessings to me I am Lucky to have them in my life as long as I live I will obey my parents and listen to what they always told me. I will love my loved one and be faithfull to him.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Prelim exams........

Prelims is great and im fine and confident that my exams are pass I study hard for the preliminary exams though some subject is hard I try to manage it well and refresh my mind in able to remind what been I studied for the last few weeks.

My Fundamentals i think I failed beacause my grade is 72 i hope sir will give some concideration but its okay I have still Midterm exams and final exams I think i can catch up next time ill be good at it

big girls dont cry

My blogs title is Big Girls dont cry the truth is , it is a title of a song by Fergie the song is all about a girl finding his path to be a full grown girl and she wants to go alone and not to be with her lover anymore though she's very inlove with her lover still she choose to go and find her clarity peace sernity.

I hope you know,I hope you know That this has nothing to do with you It's personal, Myself and I We've got some straightenin' out to do And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanketBut Ive got to get a move on with my life Its time to be a big girl now And BIG GIRLS DONT CRY. That are some lines of the song Big girls dont cry she's trying to explain to his lover that there is no problem with him beacause the real problem was her and she's bother eager to find her self.